The Anthropology Conference

The conference is a unique opportunity for established anthropologists as well as for master’s students to present papers. The conference is therefore a brilliant opportunity to present your own research projects and to discuss academic and professional political issues! The NAF conference always has an overarching theme, and different working groups shed light on different aspects within the overarching theme. Each conference opens with an honorary lecture by a renowned anthropologist. The program then alternates between plenary lectures, working groups and debate. NAF’s annual meeting is also held during the conference, where all members of the association are welcome to participate with their vote. 

Previous conferences:

The 2021 conference: Polarization

The NAF conference 2021 was held on 25-26 November in Bergen.​

Watch the stream of the 2020 annual meeting here:

Antronett conferences

In 2005, the Norwegian Anthropological Association organized for the first time a further and continuing education conference for social anthropologists who work outside academia. The conference is called the Antronettkonferansen and was organized in 2005, 2006 and 2007. The Antronettkonferansen has now been established as a permanent event every two years. The next Antronett conference will take place in autumn 2009, specifically on Wednesday 7 October and Thursday 8 October. The program has not been set yet, but save the date already.

The Antronett conference focuses on translating anthropological knowledge into a more working life-oriented knowledge. In addition, we want to convey what is happening on the research front within various topics. The Anthronet conference is a unique opportunity to meet anthropologists from various professional groups, and the probability that you will find someone who works in a field that is relevant to you is high. 

The focus of the conference is dialogue. We hope to establish an arena that is suitable for creating good professional dialogues between anthropologists who work on different fronts, and who practice the subject in different ways. The Norwegian anthropological environment is far more varied than before, and much of the exciting experiences and insights that have been created through the many different ways of practicing the subject have not been taken care of well enough. The dialogue between anthropologists with very different experiences will undoubtedly help to elevate the subject, our identity and our ability and willingness to use the subject in new and non-traditional ways.

Previous conferences have been held in:

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