Vi gratulerer Sif Emilie Lauritsen med tildelingen av Signe Howells feltarbeidsstipend 2021

Sif har blitt tildelt kr 20,000.00 i feltarbedisstipend som vil bidra til gjennomføringen av hennes feltarbeid i Cuba!

Vi hadde i år flere engelsk-talende søkere, og komiteen som i år besto av Kenneth Bo Nielsen (UiO) og Trude Lerfald (NAV) har skrevet begrunnelse på engelsk.

Signe Howell’s feltarbeidsstipend for 2021 is awarded to Sif Emilie Lauritsen from The Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo, for her MA-thesis project on organic small-scale farming in Cuba.
Cuba’s small-scale farming sector has grown rapidly since the beginning of the 1990s with sustained state support. Against this background, Lauritsen’s thesis project seeks to investigate the everyday life of organic small-scale farming in Cuba, as well as the kind of relations between people, state and landscape that are being ‘cultivated’ through such new farming practices.

The project proceeds from an intimate understanding of the broader literature on Cuba’s small-scale organic farming sector, including from disciplines such as food and resource economics, agro-ecology, environmental science and agronomy. Within this broad and diverse literature, Lauritsen convincingly carves out a distinct methodological and analytical space for anthropology. Anthropology, Lauritsen argues, can offer valuable insights into everyday agricultural practices and their local meanings, as well as how state, people, economy, and community come together in and through small-scale farming. In addition to thus potentially offering a valuable contribution to the anthropology of agrarian change in the global south, the thesis project also displays a keen awareness of Cuba’s peculiar in-between position as an ethnographic region, and of the country’s longer agrarian history.

The project is both theoretically and methodologically sophisticated. It is firmly grounded in the classical anthropological tradition of long-term fieldwork centred on participant observation and an active engagement with the everyday and seasonal farm-life of the community under study.

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